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Technical work is underway on the site

Saytda texnik ishlar olib borilmoqda

The Chemical and Industrial Technopark "Chirchik" was established on the basis of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On the establishment on the territory of the scientific and production association for the production of rare metals and hard alloys of JSC "Almalyk KhMK" and the workshop for the production of metallic sodium No. 51 of JSC "Maksam-Chirchik".

The scientific and production association for the production of rare metals and hard alloys of JSC "Almalyk KhMK" was reorganized on November 1, 2016 on the basis of JSC "UzKTZhM" in accordance with the Resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan UP-No. 2573 dated August 10, 2016, "KMK" was merged with the JSC as a structural division.

Brief history

For the creation of the chemical-industrial technopark "Chirchik", 31.24 hectares of land were allocated to the Scientific and Production Association for the Production of Rare Metals and Hard Alloys, the buildings and structures located on it, including the compressor shop, shop No. 13, shop No. 14 and adjacent territories, as well as shop No. 51 for the production of metallic sodium. In March 2022, the first stage of construction and installation works was completed. On March 23, 2024, the official opening ceremony of the chemical-industrial technopark "Chirchik" was held with the participation of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan Abdullah Aripov and the President of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov.

In September 2021, the land plot of the plant for the production of metallic sodium, workshop No. 51, as well as the buildings, structures and adjacent areas located on it, was allocated for reconstruction and dismantling, construction and installation works began.

Workshop No. 51 for the production of metallic sodium of Maksam-Chirchiq JSC and the history of the enterprise itself date back to April 1932, when the government decided to build the Chirchik Electrochemical Plant for the production of nitrogen fertilizers based on obtaining hydrogen by electrolysis of water and separating nitrogen from the air. In 1936, the foundations of several workshops were laid on the main territory of the future plant, including workshop No. 51 for the production of metallic sodium. The construction of the workshops began in 1940, and the official commissioning of the first stage of the Chirchik Electrochemical Plant took place on January 25, 1941.

Since March 31, 2022 The first residents of the Chirchik chemical-industrial technopark were such enterprises as NOVOPLAST TPE with a project for the production of thermoplastic elastomers and products made of them, RHODIUM POLIMER with a project for the production of foamed polypropylene and finished products made of it, BIONOVATIC-AGRO with a project for the production of microbiological preparations for the protection and nutrition of agricultural crops, and UZPLATINUM with a project for the production of catalytic systems from platinum group metals.

In April 2023, 13.6 hectares of land and buildings of Jizzakh plastmassa JSC were allocated for the creation of the Jizzakh chemical-industrial technopark. Geographically, the Jizzakh technopark is located in the southeastern part of the city of Jizzakh. The history of JSC "Jizzax plastmassa" itself begins with design in the sixties of the last century, and was put into operation in 1972. In terms of production volume, the enterprise occupied second place among the four largest factories in the USSR.