A reliable partner for business development in Central Asia
Toshkent viloyati, Chirchiq shahrida joylashgan.
Umumiy maydoni - 24 ga.
Texnopark maydonlari soni - 3 ta.
Ishlab chiqarish, ombor va ma'muriy binolar mavjud
Located in the city of Chirchik, Tashkent region
Total land area - 24.9 hectares. Number of technopark areas - 3. There are production, warehouse and administrative buildings.
Located in Jizzakh region.
Total land area - 12 hectares.
There are production, warehouse and administrative buildings.
In accordance with the Resolutions of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. PQ116 dated February 3, 2022 and No. PQ127 dated April 20, 2023, a large-scale project is being implemented by Uzkimyosanoat Joint Stock Company to establish chemical-industrial technoparks in the Tashkent and Jizzakh regions. The project is aimed at attracting foreign companies and creating favorable conditions for them to localize their products in Uzbekistan.
Today, more than 30 projects are being implemented in technoparks to produce more than 100 new types of import-substituting and export-oriented products. It is planned to further expand the projects.
Residents of our technology park are representatives of such countries as Russia, Kazakhstan, China, South Korea, Switzerland, Latvia, Türkiye.
join the project!